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Why "Word Painting"?

Each of us has our own unique giftings and talents. I know those who can seemingly touch an instrument and bring out the sounds of Heaven and others who can command a brush into swirls of color to produce an image of beauty and wonder. Both paintings and songs can be wonderful sources of inspiration.

Just as music when placed with lyrics becomes a masterpiece evoking images to the hearer; so can words penned to paper call forth beautiful paintings from our minds eye. I can neither sing (at least not for anyone’s enjoyment) nor paint a picture that is gallery-worthy; however, something happens when my pen meets with paper that marries the two together producing an image just as visible to my mind as the gallery painting viewed by hundreds.

I hope you will join me in the following blogs which contain those paintings from my mind. Some are deep and thought-provoking, some are light-hearted and humorous, a few even come from a darker side but all are written to bring refreshment to the soul and revival to the spirit. Read them. Think on them then paint your own picture to remember when the time calls for it.

Let's Encourage Each Other!

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